Monday, July 14, 2008

Ice House Canyon, Buckhorn Lodge, and No Camera?!

Sometimes I don't want to take my camera with me because its so big and heavy... and every time I regret it. I have no photos to remember Saturday by. Well, I have my memory, but that fails me sometimes. Can words really convey what an amazing day it was?

We hiked the Ice House Canyon Saddle Saturday afternoon, and I won't lie, it kicked my butt. I am completely humbled... I was lagging far behind everyone. It was 3.6 miles uphill to the saddle; I mean, steep uphill, lots of long switch backs. The kind of steepness that makes you push down on your knee for leverage as you're walking up. The first half is along a creek, its nice, shaded and cool. The second part is more rocky and in the sun. But there wasn't much sun Saturday, we heard the looming thunderstorms for most of our hike. It was nice to stop and just listen to the rolling sound. Switchback after switchback we finally made it to the saddle, and not a minute too soon for me, my legs were shaking, my hips were cracking.

The way down was a lot easier... My brother and I ran some of the way. It was so steep that it was more comfortable to break into a run then try to catch yourself. The sun was setting, the wind was blowing, and the clouds kept rolling in. About 30 feet from our car, we felt the first drops. As we got closer and closer to the car the rain started to pour. We made it by seconds.

To celebrate our achievement we stopped by the Buckhorn Lodge. We sat outside on the patio and watched the lightning and listened to the storm. Bolts of lightning lit up whole mountainsides. We tired to count in-between lightning strikes and thunder, but sometimes there was lighting and no thunder, or they would happen simultaneously. When the rain was falling so hard that it began to get us wet, even-though we were under a patio, we opted to go inside. Going inside literally makes you feel like you're stepping back in time; it's rustic, western, and old fashioned. Inside, we enjoyed our lodge food while listening to a country band: The Buckhorn Boys. It was the perfect weather for a lodge visit. If only the fireplace was roaring, that would have topped the experience.

I guess I have the sore muscles as a token of that day... but I am sure those will heal and be forgotten.

I guess my memory does fail me... I didn't remember this, but I wrote a blog the last time I did this hike! I mentioned that its a butt kicker, guess I forgot that this last time, I wasn't prepared for it. I even had a picture last time...


matt said...

nice work! there's nothing like "earning your relaxation" if you know what i mean.

Anonymous said...

That place is keen. I think all of the musicians turn off when they're finished, like at Chuck E. Cheeses. Jake got a piece of that ladies boa in his mouth and she was sitting on his lap. Good times.

Amanda Mae said...

I remember that night, it was a good time! The power kept going out and all you could hear were the drums... and the lady was singing "Hey big spender!..."

JRHlavaty said...

In all may years here on earth I have never heard thunder like that day. Its was as if there was a gigantic dragon hiding in the clouds taking a nap and snoring real loud.