Tomorrow is the day I get my camera. I'm itchin to get it, I'm practically counting the hours. My heart just might be crushed if it doesn't arrive tomorrow.
I have so many adventures already lined up. The next day I have my first photoshoot... There is a wedding on the calendar, and engagements. I plan on taking a photo of every dish I make (little obsession with food photography). There is an obligated trip to Eaton Canyon as soon as UPS drops the thing off... So much to do, so exciting.
If I had the thing already I would have had lots of tasty photos of our recent food creations. We've made, Chipotle White Beans, Lentil Soup, A Blueberry Version of this, Chewy Snack Cake, even made tamales! {photo above - taken on my mom's camera.} It's been fun trying to use up the veggies in our CSA box - we are getting pretty good at it.
Nice tamale photo! My assistant is from the Yucatan and makes tamales during the holidays. In the Yucatan tradition, they include tropical tidbits and are wrapped in banana leaves instead of corn husks. Yum...
So, how's the taste of the tamalez?
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