I really enjoyed the photos this month, there is a good mix of interesting, story-telling moments. I feel like I get a little glimpse into each one of your lives when I see your photos, I love that:
• I wanted to run last night, ... so instead I made these cookies ... Hm. I need to get on the ball. But these cookies are "healthy" ... so that should count for something, right? It's almost like running... Well, nonetheless, it makes me happy.
• I went with some good friends to a spa to unwind on Wednesday. We bathed together, relaxed in the sweltering saunas, frozen in the cold pool and laid on the heated jade floor. Afterward we went for a beer and fish & chips, we enjoyed each others company, and laughed a lot ... It was a great evening, we weren't in a rush, the traffic in L.A. didn't stress us, it was refreshing.
• I have obsessively been watching Take Away Shows on Blogotheque... They are good for the soul. When I watch them it makes me want to play music so bad that it hurts. More than a show these are like expressions; they are enjoying themselves and really feeling the music. I wanted to share one, but I couldn't decide which one, so I will share two: